Monday, 2 March 2009

Monochrome Monday

I've decided to join the Monochrome Maniacs for Monochrome Monday again this week. I hope to get to visit quite a few other MMs this time - things went a bit pear-shaped for me last Monday.

I've had to cheat once more, and use software to greyscale an image, and enhance it a little. The image below shows wet sand at Port Eynon beach, on the Gower Peninsula. It was taken a couple of years ago.

I took the shot for no other reason than the fact that I like the pattern left in the sand, by the receding tide. If you fancy joining in, visit Monochrome Maniacs, the brainchild of Aileni.


Anonymous said...

Just the kind of picture I love and I don't mind how you arrived at - old purist that I am. You should sign in on the Linky so others can appreciate your work.

Siani said...

Thanks, Aileni. I was in the process of signing on the Linky when you commented, but got distracted by rampaging pets.

Carver said...

That's a great shot and I love the patterns on the sand. Truly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Siani,
Port Eynon beach looks lovely, I too like to see the ripples in the sand.
Reminds me of a cobbled street....

P.S. I am glad this has resolved it's self..

Daryl said...

Love the texture ..

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Lovely shot, it looks great in mono. :-)

Dragonstar said...

That's lovely Siani! I'm sure it was almost monochrome in the original, so this works great.

Thanks for your comment on mine. Yes, it could well be familiar to you - I took it somewhere in Uplands, though I can't remember exactly where at the moment.

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