Monday, 23 February 2009

Monochrome Maniacs

I thought I'd engage in a little time travel for this week's Monochrome Maniacs. However, I don't possess a Tardis, or similar time-travelling machine, so I had to do it with software. This shot is one I've featured a few times on various blogs. It shows a thatched cottage at the coastal village of Oxwich, on the Gower Peninsula. The cottage dates from the 1700's, and is best known for the fact that John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, stayed there for a while.

In order to make the above shot look like a genuine old photograph, I first airbrushed out all signs of modern living, such as TV antennae, phone and power lines, and shadows thereof. Then I applied a filter to get the olde worlde effect. You can see the original shot below.

Quite a difference, eh? Which do you prefer?

That's it for this week. Visit host, Aileni, to join in the fun with all the other Monochrome Maniacs. Be good!
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Anonymous said...

A Judge's Postcard ! Memories.

Anonymous said...

great airbrushing. Great post.

Siani said...

Thanks, both. I've just spotted something else I should have airbrushed out - contemporary chimney pots. Grr!

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