Monday, 26 November 2007

Gower Peninsula: Rock pools at Langland Bay

One thing I love about living near the Gower Peninsula and its numerous bays, is being able to explore rock pools, such as the ones at Langland Bay and Rotherslade. I find the creatures who live in the rock pools fascinating, especially the pools that are only exposed at low tide.

I have no idea what the creatures who live in these shells are called, but I enjoy seeing and trying to photograph them. The slimy critters in this next image are sea anemones of some sort - I forget their name at the moment.

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Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the one in the bottom pic are called anemones. I don't know about the others.
From one ex-pat Gower resident to someone else who obviously appreciates the beauty and grandeur of the area ---- graet photos and great memories.

Anonymous said...

Hi Siani,
Nice pictures.
Just thought you might like to know that a Hump-backed Whale has been around the Knab Rock/Verdi`s area of Mumbles since Wednesday, apparantly coming as close as 20 metres from shore. Haven`t seen it myself, but hope to tomorrow if it hangs around.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind comments, folks. I've been meaning to have a look out for the whale myself, but the weather's been none too friendly. Apparently, a family of seals has been seen in the same area over the last couple of days, and the whale has also shown up at the end of Swansea Pier. Time to buy some waterproofs and thermals, methinks, and brave the weather.

Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

I went round there yesterday, and waited, along with dozens of other people, in the cold and rain, for the whale to appear. It didn`t! Sorry for the false alarm, and hope you didn`t wait in vain in the rain!

Anonymous said...

No, don't worry, Jeremy. I went nowhere further than my bathroom, in that hideous weather. Today was nice, but I had a tummy upset, so no whale-hunting for me, again :(.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there was a sad end to this story. A Hump-backed Whale was found floating this morning off Aberavon beach, and was towed to shore by a lifeboat crew. What a pity!

Anonymous said...

Incredible. Makes me want to leave my winter wonderland for a quick trip. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! My grandfather is from the area and I need to take a trip over there sometime to see all the beauty!

Anonymous said...

As you poll result it in nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Beutiful snails!

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