Sunday, 8 February 2009

Camera Critters: Poor Starfish

Poor old starfish. No fun in the sun for him or her - I found it on the beach at Port Eynon, on the Gower Peninsula. That's one of the less pleasant aspects of living near the coast - seeing dead marine life washed ashore.

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Siani said...

Thanks :). Most of the ones I've seen, washed up on the beaches, have sadly been dead. I've seen an occasional live one in rock pools.

Anonymous said...

That's one heck of a find! And oh, how I love your blog's banner picture!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

You're kidding on the beach there. What a find for critters.

Mom Knows Everything said...

I've only ever seen one in aquariums. What a cool find!

Ice Pony Girl said...

What a pretty find, too bad it died.

Toni said...

Awww poor star fish. He/She was a pretty stat fish.

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